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Preparing for a Natural Childbirth

Writer's picture: Ashley ComerAshley Comer

You’re a mama for the first, or tenth time! Or maybe even a woman who wants to be a mama but is not yet one. This baby has either been planned or not, but the bottom line is that you will one day bring a baby into this world! I am going to assume that you are here because of the title of this blog, or because the words Natural Childbirth spark your interest. Whatever the reason, I am so proud of you for taking the time to read this to hopefully gain insight. I truly hope you can take away from this, even if tidbits of information. And before I get started, I just want you to know that I believe in you and your ability to birth.

I think something that can help our minds when preparing for a natural childbirth is understanding why a natural, physiological, undisturbed birth actually matters.

You don’t get a gold medal or a trophy for having a natural birth, so why suffer when you can have drugs? 

Oh, trust me, when the time comes, you’ll be begging for an epidural.

The list goes on when it comes to people offering…. advice?? As if you can call it that! But let me tell you, it does matter and there’s evidence and research out there that tells us why! Some research determines that interventions and IV drugs can inhibit the bonding process that happens immediately post birth, some mothers and baby’s have side effects, there’s no loss of sensation or alertness, and so much more. What matters most is what you want and to be informed.

I feel this should go without saying, but just in case, I am so grateful for modern medicine and the opportunity to have access to drugs during labor and birth. There are some cases where it’s truly needed, or mama flat out wanted them- and that’s okay! Now that that’s out of the way, let’s dive in! These suggestions are based on my personal experience (a home birth mama x2 and a trained birth doula) and what has worked well for me!

To start, remember that your provider(s) work for you! Too often I hear “my provider won’t let me do xyz.” Spoiler: That’s probably not the provider for you! Ask questions, ask to meet the birth team, present your birth preferences and notice how your provider responds. Your provider is there to encourage you to birth your baby the way you want, and be a set of skilled hands if you or your baby need any help along the way. Your provider is not there to present fear mongering advice, to push you towards unnecessary interventions that you don’t want, to make you feel bad or weird about your birth choices, or to push their own agenda on you. Find someone you connect with and feel respected and loved by. Do NOT be afraid to switch/shop around for providers, even if it means your 38+ weeks pregnant! (I’ve seen this happen before with beautiful outcomes!) Your provider works for you – You do not work for your provider!

Positive birth affirmations and Bible Verses (if you believe in God) Meditate on those. I truly think it’s mind over matter! You can do anything for 60 seconds! Here I have linked my favorite birth affirmations! Pinterest is flooded with birth affirmations, too! Below I have a photo of my Labor Scripture list, too! These truly encouraged my heart. Have your support person read these affirmations/scriptures to you in between contractions!

Hire a doula! – Doula’s are women who provide emotional and physical support during labor and birth, as well as provide information to you throughout your pregnancy and help you make informed choices. They are amazing, and worth their weight in gold! Even if you already have a support person (husband, mom, friend, etc. a doula is still so very valuable!)

Move, Eat, Drink, and Pee! Do what makes you feel comfortable & listen to your body. Don’t confine yourself to a hospital bed or one position! Make sure to empty your bladder, too! Possibly every hour or so, as having a full bladder can stall labor! Lastly, you

Remember to come back to earth in between contractions. It’s 60 seconds where you feel normal. Use the break in between contractions to rest. Don’t think about the next one, just stay in the moment. Ride each one as it comes, and again, remember, you can do anything for 60 seconds. 

Watch positive birth stories on YouTube!  Those were super encouraging to my own pregnant self! Stay away – RUN – from discouraging birth stories! (Here is my first birth, and here is my second birth.)

Relax! The biggest thing you can do during labor! When/if you have Braxton Hicks Contractions (practice contractions) start practicing relaxing and breathing through them, and do this when early labor hits – breath & relax through those. From your head to your toes, relax & just let the contractions happen. One at a time!

Resources I recommend for birth (and beyond)…

You’re going to do amazing. Your body was created for this. I KNOW you can do it, mama & when you do, you’re going to rock it. And remember, just when you think you can’t do it, that’s when you are so close to meeting your baby!

Wrapping you in love, prayer, and positive birthing vibes! Xo,


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Summer Sheafer
Summer Sheafer
Oct 16, 2020

Love this! Thank you so much for sharing ❤

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