Exploring nature with children is one of the best ways to learn through play! There is so much that nature wants to teach us, if we only stop to listen.
Creating a Nature Shelf has been such a hit in our home, and such a wonderful way to bring nature inside with us! Not only that, but by creating a space in your home to display your nature finds, it also encourages your children (and you!) to really take the time to slow down and look to see what nature has to offer.
A Nature Shelf is a space in your home where you and your child can bring in elements that you find in nature! Some of our personal favorites to find are deceased butterflies, bones of animals, and my toddler’s favorite- rocks! You can include other things like twigs, shells, fossils, crystals, leaves, herbs, flowers- literally anything that speaks to you and your children! I think you’d really be surprised to see what your child finds that sparks their curiosity! Sometimes it’s the most “mundane” things that make their eyes light up & squeal “Let’s put this on our Nature Shelf!” (I’d imagine this goes without saying, but always be cautious when handling things you find in nature, especially when you’re unsure of what it is. Also, some parks, etc. have rules to not bring any nature elements home with you, so be sure if you’re on anyone’s property but your own, you have permission.)
In our experience, our Nature Shelf has:
increased the time we spend intentionally looking for things in nature
made us more aware of native plants, animals, insects, etc. around us! (This is also a great skill to take with you into adulthood, but I’ll save you the speech on that and let you research and decide for yourself! ;))
brought natural elements into our home, which in my opinion, is imperative to human nature!
sparked loads of questions about nature! There’s nothing better than your child marveling at your Nature Shelf and asking questions about the elements that are on it!
increased quality talking time. This one kind of goes along wit the bullet point above. If they’re not asking questions, they are talking about their latest, or oldest findings on the nature shelf.
How do you create a Nature Shelf, you ask? It’s SO simple! Use an existing space or create one! Pick any spot in your home to display your nature findings (perferably a spot you see often, that way it’s not getting forgot about!) You can use a literal shelf or, if your kiddo’s are older and know to be gentle with delicate butterfly wings or other delicate things you may find, a table top or nook space would work! If you choose to create a space in your home, consider thrifting a shelf or table versus buying one brand new, to be more earth friendly!
Personally, we thrifted our shelf and when I saw it, I knew exactly what I wanted to do with it! And my oh my, am I so happy I did! My children have loved our nature shelf and view it daily! This is something that I know will grow with our children as they grow and will continue to spark their curious, ever growing minds! I hope they can always remember to stop and slow down to see what nature has to offer, even if they don’t always bring it home.
Our Nature Shelf is filled with treasures like seed pods, turtle and bird eggshells, rocks, shells, and crystals, feathers, a snake shed, leaves, a turtle shell, a retired bee’s nest, bones and antlers of animals, and deceased butterflies and a dragonfly. We also chose to put a card from our Renegade Mama Children’s affirmation deck on our shelf, and our “Little Explorer Pin from Brass Bee Bonnets.
We have our Nature Shelf set up in this corner of our home. It’s a high traffic area that is seen many times throughout the day.
I hope you have left this little post of mine feeling filled with inspiration! Incorporate a Nature Shelf into your home! Do it today, if you can! If you do, please tag me so I can see! I love engaging with you all! It really encourages me to keep doing what I do!
Be blessed!
Xo, Ashley!