After almost 42 weeks of pregnancy, a 24 hour labor, an explosion from a bomb, and a lot of prayer, our little guy made his entrance.
Nearing 42 weeks pregnant, we decided to go for a long walk on some local hiking trails. It was a beautiful day & a great day for a walk. I had some sporadic contractions during our mile & a half (or so) hike. The kids did great, we all had a good time. I remember feeling a little bummed at the end because I was really hoping for some better and more consistent contractions. We watched the children play & ate lunch in the sunshine then headed for home. I decided to do the miles circuit (which is a 90 minute series of 3 different positions with the goal to get baby in an optimal position for birth). During the miles circuit is when the contractions became more consistent, but very weak still. I reached out to my midwife around 4pm to let her know contractions have been consistent for about an hour but not strong, I would finish up the miles circuit, and see what happens. She came over around 6pm & contractions had gotten slightly more intense while she was here, but nothing strong still. I was at a ‘good 4cm, wants to be 5cm’ and 50% effaced. We decided it was likely early labor. Our midwife left around 7pm & asked for an update at 8pm- to which, I let her know contractions were about the same, consistent but weak feeling and I wanted to get rest because it had been a full day of moving our bodies & I was tired. We got the kids to sleep & then things started to pick up. Contractions became more intense that required some focus but nothing wild. Around 10/11pm, I figured it was time to call our birth team & let them know things weren’t slowing down. In the past, my labors had been fast & went from ‘is this labor?’ to ‘baby is definitely coming!’ pretty quickly. I made a joke to Jake that I had hoped I wouldn’t be up until 5am having a baby because I was tired and wanted to sleep. If only I knew what was in store- ha!
Contractions were becoming more intense but still nothing that made it seem like baby was coming quickly. I was laying in bed, trying to doze off in between contractions- it was now 3 am & I was so very tired. I just wanted to sleep.
Jake was sitting at the end of the bed. Suddenly a huge explosion rattled the house and windows. Woke me right up & startled everyone. Someone pulled up to the end of our driveway & had put a bomb in our trash can! It exploded & shredded it into smithereens. Thankful to have our house sit so far off the road, no one was hurt. Jake called the police & an officer came out for a police report. Labor slowed way down after this, but the silver lining was that I was able to get a little broken rest in.
I remember dozing off to sleep & when I awoke, the sun was just starting to come up. I couldn’t believe it was the next morning & I still hadn’t had my baby. Shortly after I woke, I tried to eat a little something. The kids woke up, contractions started to slowly creep back in.
My best friend texted me around 8am to see how I was doing. I told her I still hadn’t had the baby but was 8cm dilated. She offered to come over & make breakfast for the kids, but I told her I think we would be okay for the morning and asked if she was available if I needed her. I figured we’d have a baby soon. My contractions felt like my waters would break anytime, which is what has brought our other babies earthside rather quickly in my past births. I stopped texting her back & she jumped in her car and headed over anyhow. (oh, how I needed her and didn’t even realize it! So grateful for her. I could write a whole story on her & how needed she was at this birth.) The day progressed slowly with contractions. I. Was. So. Tired. Exhausted. I just wanted my baby here & I just wanted sleep. I was waiting & waiting for my water to break. That’s what I felt like I needed to speed things along.
After more hours, I needed some encouragement. Around noon, my midwife checked me- still at an 8, no cervix left, bag of waters right there but baby felt a little cockeyed. She didn’t want to break my water because we didn’t want baby to try and come out asynclitic. We decided to try the miles circuit again. I got through 1 position of it & decided to move around. My midwife advised if I gave some grunts during contractions, my waters might break on their own. I decided to try that & bear down during some contractions. I utilized deep squatting, the birth stool, my bed, and then the tub.
Once I was in the tub, my children came & gathered around. I needed their gaze. Looking into their eyes in between contractions was so peaceful & steady. I remember it feeling so calming & encouraging. Around 1pm, while I was in the bath, my belly was going insane- the baby was moving & working so much to line up with my pelvis. It was incredible to see baby working so hard right alongside me. I got out of the bath & tried hands & knees on the floor.
My contractions felt like I needed to bear down. I hit a wall- I was exhausted physically, mentally & felt emotionally was on the brink, too. I cried and really wanted to be done. My midwife got on the floor with me and reminded me that I can do this. I have to to this. It doesn’t matter where I’m at, it will have to happen. At 1:45pm I moved to the toilet & pushed hard during a contraction & my water broke!
‘Finally’ it felt like! I immediately thanked God over & over & prayer ‘please let this be what my body needs.’ I started praying fiercely out loud, my husband prayed, I looked over & my midwife was praying. This is where I believe things turned. God heard. I moved to the birth stool again.
I had some cervix that wanted to come back & I knew that I couldn’t let that happen. I couldn’t stand to breathe through contractions at this point, so I decided to push with all my might. Baby moved down & I decided to go back to the toilet, knowing my baby was coming. I dug deeper than I ever have before- and just shy of 24 hours from the start of contractions, our beautiful BOY was born at 2:43 pm, surrounded by my children and husband.
He was my biggest baby & longest gestation at 41+6. I cried & cried, alongside everyone else. It was over. My baby was here. I did it- WE did it. We worked so hard together & I am so proud of the both of us.
When baby was born, his arm went right above his head, and we believe he had a compound arm happening in utero, causing my labor to be slow. Baby was born floppy and having trouble breathing. My midwife jumped straight into action. Calm, steady, but moving quickly and seriously. After mouth to mouth & free flow O2, our baby was no longer blue, but a beautiful pink color and crying, just as babies ought to be.
We are so grateful for everyone & everything. Though the birth was long & nothing at all like any of my other births, I walked away from it feeling so strong (& mighty tired). It was a beautiful birth full of new depths. A whole new story for a whole new baby. Abel Collin, born at 2:43pm, weighing 8lbs 8oz & 21” long.
......... And then there were SEVEN <3
Photos by my talented friend - Jennifer Mason Photography